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Adoptive Parent
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About People Places

Established in 1973 in Staunton, Virginia, People Places was one of the nation’s first treatment foster care agencies. As a licensed, nonprofit child placing agency, our services have grown over the past five decades to encompass several additional community-based services.

We serve the Shenandoah Valley and Central Piedmont regions with offices in Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, and Staunton.

People Places Upcoming EventsUpcoming Events

People Places Community Event


Megan and Rock Watson Vetran Family with Foster Children

Hear from our foster families about why they choose to foster, how it has impacted them, and what working with People Places is like.


Check out our resources section for helpful information about the impact of trauma and links to relevant government agencies and providers.

Perspectives Blog

Colleen with Foster Child

Learn about our team’s work connecting children to individuals and couples who are willing to become certified as foster or adoptive parents.

People Places, Inc. is an independent 501(c)(3) corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. People Places, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Agency. No one is denied care, assistance or employment on the basis of race, religion, national origin, color, disability, gender, veteran/military status, sexual orientation, ancestry or marital status.